abiding - определение. Что такое abiding
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Что (кто) такое abiding - определение


·adj Continuing; lasting.
II. Abiding ·p.pr. & ·vb.n. of Abide.
adjective (of a feeling or memory) endure.
An abiding feeling, memory, or interest is one that you have for a very long time.
He has a genuine and abiding love of the craft...
= lasting
? short-lived



In Buddhism, especially the Chan (Zen) traditions, non-abidance (in Sanskrit: apratiṣṭhita, with the a- prefix, lit. ‘unlimited’, ‘unlocalized’) is the practice of avoiding mental constructs during daily life. That is, other than while engaged in meditation (Zazen).

Some schools of Buddhism, especially the Mahāyāna, consider apratiṣṭhita-nirvāṇa ("non-abiding cessation") to be the highest form of Buddhahood, more profound than pratiṣṭhita-nirvāṇa, the ‘localized’, lesser form. According to Robert Buswell and Donald Lopez, apratiṣṭhita-nirvāṇa is the standard Mahayana view of Buddhahood, which enables them to freely return to samsara in order to help sentient beings, while still remaining in nirvāṇa and being a buddha via the usage of the nirmanakaya and sambhogakaya.

Примеры произношения для abiding
1. the calm abiding meditation-- longer
The Buddha Walks into the Office _ Lodro Rinzler _ Talks at Google
2. And Shyine means "peaceful abiding."
Why is the Dalai Lama Always Smiling _ Lama Tsomo _ Talks at Google
3. a law-abiding, Ivy League professor,
4. Maybe you have an abiding exercise habit.
Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics _ Dan Harris _ Talks at Google
5. And it's this abiding by ignorance
Примеры употребления для abiding
1. Tough on law abiding citizens, tough on the causes of law abiding citizens.
2. He vowed "abiding commitment" to Israel‘s security.
3. Mazuz said his intervention was intended to protect "law–abiding citizens who pay their taxes regularly." But David is also a law–abiding citizen.
4. Both sides, however, insist they are abiding by the truce.
5. Many thousands of British Muslims are patriotic, law–abiding citizens.